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HÆRK presents: Stacey de Voe and the video archive


The art collective HÆRK presents a screening programme as well as the experiment 'Harstad video art library' at Harstad public library.

HÆRK has put together a film programme for AMIFF 2023. This programme consists of short films by Eli Mai Huang Nesse and Ben Balcom with Julie Niemi, as well as a live reading og the artist Stacey De Voe's video essay “overlocked”. This event also contains a conversation with HÆRK after the screening.


  • Overlocked- Round in three threads, Stacey De Voe, 2023, c. 30m

  • Bare a stone, Eli Mai Huang Nesse, 2023, 14m

  • Growing Up Absurd, Ben Balcom, 2023, 15m

Overlocked - Around in Three Threads, Stacey De Voe, 2023

“overlocked-Around In Three Threads” is a live reading of an audiovisual essay. It departs from a larger ongoing research project - overlocked, which investigates nylon’s elastic imaginaries and how a seemingly innocent, yet marketed innovative thread can effectively tear through welfare politics, staging the false promise of a “one size” fits all future. Through intersections in architectures of consumer capitalism, department stores, and former sites of labor such as a former factory in Malmö, overlocked seeks to unpick the intricacies of nylon and its implications on notions of femininity, gendered labor and class politics.

Berre en stein, Eli Mai Huang Nesse, 2023

"Berre ein stein" (“Just a stone”) is a collection of anecdotes from places where stone falls occur. The film shows how one deals with the fact that everything can suddenly come crashing down and how the stones take on new meaning after they have fallen.

Growing Up Absurd, Ben Balcom og Julie Niemi, 2023

A provisional portrait of Tolstoy College, an anarchist educational community which operated within the University at Buffalo between 1969 and 1985.

'Harstad video art library' at Harstad public library.

Over a long period, HÆRK has thought about, researched and now put together a video archive which is ready at the Harstad library during AMIFF. The Videoartoteket is a small trolley with a screen and two folding chairs, a place where you can browse widely different video works from different artists.

The Artotekordingen in Norway was previously a pilot scheme in the 70s where the idea was that you could go to the library, borrow a work of art, hang it up at home and return it after a few weeks. The Harstad library had such an art library, an expanded arena for visual art — art on loan. The video artotheque continues some of the old artotheque's thinking, while at the same time requiring a separate structure. It is an attempt to make video art available, to make it — if not loanable — open to those who are in the library building; a place that can be expanded and rethought, but which still preserves and holds on.

Harstad Library opening times during the festival:

Thursday 12 October 10am - 7pm

Friday 13 October: 10am - 4pm

Saturday 14 October: 10am - 3pm

Sunday 15 October: Closed


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