Bilde: What I Miss About People, and What I Don’t Miss About People av Marte Aas
Film programme for AMIFF 2021
Curated by Ida Lykken Ghosh / Atelier Nord
Artists in conversation with curator after screening: Birgitte Sigmundstad og Maren Dagny Juell
The programme takes its title from a film by Marte Aas. A future version of a world where humans are gone and where a lone dog describes what she misses and what she does not miss about humans. The film is from 2017, but could just as easily have been made during the pandemic. What have we missed and what can we do without? And what does is it actually mean to return to normal? What have we learned, if anything? I have chosen to show five works by four artists that in different ways can relate to this years theme and these questions. The program is based on works by artists who have exhibited or who will be exhibiting at Atelier Nord. The event will be conducted in English.
List of films:
Marte Aas: What I Miss About People, and What I Don’t Miss About People
16mm 10:51 min. 2017
Maren Dagny Juell: Tutorial #13 JOY
4K 4:25 min. 2019
Yuko Mohri: Single Line and Broad Loop: Fragments for I/O
HD video. 11 min. 2020
Birgitte Sigmundstad: Utdrag fra Hva vi snakker om når vi snakker om krigen
HD video 13:10 min
Birgitte Sigmundstad: Etter skoletid
HD video 12:19 min. 2021