From ‘Faithful and Diligent’ by Kirsten Astrup
Dette er et kortfilmprogram som inngår i sideprogrammet “Reject and Reclaim” på AMIFF 2021, og som presenterer syv filmarbeider i to kinovisninger. Den andre kinovisningen er filmen Public House av Sarah Turner. Arbeidene reflekterer på hver sine vis over fremtiden og agensen vi har til å delta i og påvirke den. Programmet er kuratert av Ruth Aitken som representerer Tromsø Kunstforening og Camilla Fagerli. Arrangementet er på engelsk.
An obsolete sculpture rants from beyond its grave, a gang of queer post workers revolt, the engineers leave the military base for the last time. An open-pit marble mine is wiped of its present inhabitants, and a reclamation; of land and community.
“Reject and Reclaim” presents seven film works across two cinema programmes. The other programme is the film Public House by Sarah Turner. Each work, in its own way, reflects on the future, and the role we have in shaping and participating in it, the artists themselves operating as key agents in this reimagining. The programmes will be presented in English.
Curated by Ruth Aitken, representing Tromsø Kunstforening, and Camilla Fagerli.
Film programme:
They Live (Thatcher), Colectivo Los Ingrávidos, 03:10 (2020)
Troe og Agtsom / Faithful and Diligent, Kirsten Astrup, 24:40 (2017)
Engineers, Gair Dunlop, 03:10 (2009)
Somnivn, Jonna Kina, 12:39 (2017-2018)
Reclamation, Thirza Cuthand, 13:11 (2018)
A Film That Cleans Your Eyes, Peter Miller, 3:00 (2010)