The seminar will respond to and actively engage with the programme of the Arctic Moving Image and Film Festival in relation to the participants’ own practices. It will be structured around three, two and a half-hour long sessions every morning from Friday 28 October to Sunday 30 October in Harstad, where the group will be joined by artists and programmers involved in the festival, who will be invited to reflect upon their own work and actively participate in the sessions. Seminar participants will also attend the festivals screenings, and draw upon and interrogate their responses to these – extending from themes, issues, curatorial premises and the festival’s structure itself to individual works as they relate to a developing, ongoing conversation around contemporary moving image practices.

The seminar is for artists, filmmakers, curators, writers, researchers, students and others engaged with moving image within their own practice. Participants will be expected to attend every session and to fully contribute in determining the programme through a combination of open, critical response and self-reflection. Workshop fee includes entry to all screenings at the festival.

Fee and tutor will be confirmed soon. If you are interested in the course please send an email to