This year´s established artist profile - Lene Berg

We are happy to announce that internationally renowned Lene Berg is this years established artist profile on AMIFF. She will attend the festival with three of her films, Kopfkino (2012), Gompen og andre beretninger om overvåking i Norge 1948-1989 (2014) and The Weimar Conspiracy (2007), all introduced by the artist herself. Afters the screenings she will have a conversation about her artistic practice with guest curator Sarah Schipschack. Schipschack also curates Infinite Loop by Ørjan Amundsen.


Still from Kopfkino.

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Text by curator Sarah Schipschack:

Lene Berg is a Norwegian artist originally trained as a film director at Stockholm's Dramatiska Institutet. Working without preconceived concepts or established norms, her projects are incised, humorous and often outside the cultural consensus. Berg uses moving image, installation, text, and photography – her projects often contains all of these mediums. One could say Lene Berg's production invests in reforming and reshaping storytelling. In her moving image works, Berg investigates questions about truth and falsehood, reflecting political issues in personal stories from our recent cultural history. By merging facts and fiction, her moving image work interrogates in contradictions and how history and storytelling is made and narrated. 


Still from Gompen and Kopfkino.


At AMIFF we will show three moving image works, all from the last ten years. 

Gompen og andre beretninger om overvåking i Norge 1948-1989 (2014) is a reenactment staged as a hearing dealing with surveillance in the Norwegian society during cold war times. The film is a hybrid of historical facts and fiction, and the continued relevance nowadays in the debate about a national security versus the individual rights to privacy stays the same. 

In Kopfkino (2012), a feature length film from 2012, we see a group of eight women working in S&M studios, sitting behind a table on a stage, all facing the camera, talking about role play and power. The conversations dense and equally liberated is the camera movement from conventional limitations.

The Weimar Conspiracy (2007) shows in seven short episodes how the film maker wanders around in Weimar, examining the numerous accumulated historical memories, interrogating the meanings they may have today. 


About the curator:

Sarah Schipschack (*1976 in Dresden) is a film curator, programmer, and producer, based in Leipzig, Germany and Tromsø, Norway. During the last 15 years Schipschack has established several initiatives to produce and present film, mainly art house films, experimental film - Artists Moving Image. In the years 2017–2018 Schipschack is Film Curator in Residence and in charge of building up a film screening program for artists run initiative Kurant. In October 2017 she is guest curator for the second edition of AMIFF – Arctic Moving Image & Film Festival in Harstad, Norway where she will put together a mini- retrospective of renown female artists Lene Berg, as well as commissioning an ambitious new multi-screen work by young artists Ørjan Amundsen. Schipschack teaches an Artists' Moving Image course at the Nordland Film- og kunstfagskole, Kabelvåg, Norway.


Screenings :

Gompen og andre beretninger om overvåking i Norge 1948-1989// Friday 20. october kl.15.35 // Harstad Kino 

Weimar Conspiracy + Kopfkino + artist talk // Saturday 21. october kl. 19.40 // Harstad Kino


ENHelene Hokland