Eatnanvuloš lottit - Birds in the Earth (11 min), Marja Helander, Finsk Sapmi (2018)
Harstad Kino screen 2
This is a programme of works by three contemporary circumpolar indigenous artists. The works express poetically and politically Arctic issues connected to identity, colonisation and use of Arctic land and nature.
Eatnanvuloš lottit - Birds in the Earth (11 min), Marja Helander, Finsk Sapmi (2018)
Either Way, That's Where We End (2:30), The Way You Kill is the Way You Live (2:30), As We Forget, We Chase the Beginning (2:30), The Finger and the Message (2:30), Inuuteq Storch, Grønnland/Danmark (2016)
Nomad Talk (7:13), Muolkkut (9:44), Matti Aiko – Norsk Sapmi (2015, 2014)